Four Important Contributions to Stomatology in TCM
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中文关键词:  口腔科  失活牙髓  砷剂  重要地位  张仲景  新修本草  汞合金充填  本草纲目  神农本草经  李时珍
周大成 北京口腔医院 
摘要点击次数: 1888
全文下载次数: 884
      The thesis deals with four important contributions of TCM to stomatology in ancient China. The first is the use of arsenic for the devitalization of the dental pulp.This was recorded in Jin Kui Yao Lue (Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber)written by the famous physician Zhang Zhongjing of the Han dynasty(206B.C-220A.D).It is 1,500 years earlier than when the American dentist Spooner started to use arsenic to devitalize the dental pulp in 1836. In 659 A.D.amalgam was mentioned in Tang Ben Cao(Tang Dynasty Canon on Materia Medica)by Su Jing. Later Li Shizhen made a further explanation of its components,characteristics and uses in his Ben Cao Gang Mu (Compendium of Materia Medica)and called it mercuric extracts.In contrast,the mercuric alloy was discovered in the Great Britain by Bell in 1819,1,000 years later than the Chinese discovery. In 1953,the tomb of the Wei Prince,son-in-law of a king of the Liao dynasty(907-1125),was excavated in the Dayingzi Village of Rehe(a former province in the north).Among the funeral objects were two ivory tooth brushes. The tomb dated back to 959 A.D..The tooth brushes were kept in a mug found in a washbasin.These relics are on exhibit in the Museum of Imperial Palace in Beijing.The earliest European tooth brushes came into being in 1722,as was described in the writings of a Frenchman,Fauchard(1674-1781).This is about 700 years later than the period when these tooth brushes were introduced. The famous poet Lu You(1127-1209)of the Song dynasty and his contemporary LouYue(1137-1213)both mentioned false tooth in their works.During the times of Qian Long,an emperor of the Qing dynasty(1644-1911), the author of Bai Shi Ji(Notes of a Foor Scholar)worte the following,"In the market place there are now shops where one can get false teeth inserted.The advertisement says that false teeth can match the natural ones.It is held that such treatment has been given since the Song dynasty."This shows that insertion of false teeth has been popular in China since the 12th century.