Clinical Observation of AIDS Treated with TCM
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中文关键词:  中医药治疗  爱滋病  清除自由基  清热解毒  患者  实验研究  益肾健脾  免疫学  白种人  正常值
余娟 美国Santa Barbara东方医学院 
陈可冀 中国中医研究院西苑医院 
摘要点击次数: 1264
全文下载次数: 879
      本文报告应用中医药治疗1例美籍白种人经血清 HTLV—Ⅲ检测确诊为爱滋病患者的经过。按中医传统理论,以温毒证辨证论治,先清热解毒,凉血祛湿;后益肾健脾,养心固本,进行选方遣药,达到了缓解临床症状,改善生存质量,延长生存时间的效果。结合以往免疫学,临床及实验研究所得,作者认为:所用方药似确有增强患者免疫功能及清除自由基的作用,值得进一步深入研究。
      This paper reports a case of 38-year-old Caucasian AIDS patient treated with Chinese herbal medicine.The patient has been diagnosed with positive results for the presence of putative AIDS agent,HTLV-Ⅲ,among 25 AIDS patients from Los Angeles since May,1984.The patient com- plained of chronic diarrhea,profound malaise and lethargy,swollen non-tender lymphnodes for 3~4 years.Faced with this devastating disease and rejection by the public,the patient lost interest in life and withdrew from all human contact.The previous history included ten-year active homosexual relationship with multiple partners.The findings on the physical examination were unremarkable except with respect to the lymphoreticular system.Thepatient had non-streptococcal pharyngitis and his lymph nodes were found to be enlarged 3×4×2 cm in auxiliary,inguinal and posterior cervical area.Splenic enlargement was palpated.The abnormal laboratory findings were SGOT 136 IU/L,SGPT 268 IU/L,prothrombin time 15.2 sec.(activity 43%).Tongue picture:Red and delicate body with a longitudinal crack;tip and edge had red spots,thin yellowish greasy coating and thick toward the root.Candidas was found on the tongue by culture.Pulse taking:Rapid(over 90/min.), wiry and slippery.It was believed that most AIDS patients died of opportunistic infection.None of them ever regained immunologic competence after taking a trial of AZT,which is the only drug available in U.S.A.This patient has been prescribed with Chinese herbal medicine since May,1986. According to TCM theories,the patient’s diagnosis was warm-toxic symptom-complex located at both Qi(气)and blood portions with deficiencies of kidney,spleen and heart.The treatment has been classified into following three stages,including the applications of modified Ganlu Xiaodu Yin (甘露消毒饮)for clearing heat,cooling blood,eliminating dampness and detoxification in stage Ⅰ (May 1986~Aug.1986);modified Shenmai San(生脉散)for tonifying Qi and Yin(阴)in stage Ⅱ(Oct 1986~Mar.1987)andmodified Guipi Tang(归脾汤)for replenishing vitality by adding large dosage of Astragalus membranaceus and kidney tonics in stage Ⅲ(May~Sep.1987)respectively.After a 17-month treatment,the patient’s subjective feelings were much improved.Diarrhea was gone.The sore threat was no longer a main complaint and the shrinking adenopathy was found.SGOT and SGPT reduced to 73 IU/L and 169 IU/L respectively.The patient has started to work in part time and attended a vocational school.He is proud of being the only survivor among those 25 victims.