A Study of Dynamic State on Cold and Heat Syndromes—Observation of Characteristic between Stimulation and Reaction in Rats with Cold and Heat Functional State
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中文关键词:  反应特征  热状态  正常大鼠  虚寒证  对照组  虚热证  巴比妥钠  肾上腺皮质  发热反应  胃粘膜
梁月华 北京医科大学基础医学院中西医结合研究室 
王晶 北京医科大学基础医学院中西医结合研究室 
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全文下载次数: 874
      本实验研究虚寒、虚热状态大鼠对有关刺激的反应。注射巴比妥钠后虚寒组中枢抑制加深且持久,虚热组抑制浅而短暂。致热物使虚寒组的发热反应缓慢而虚热组迅速。大鼠注射 ACTH、LRH 后,虚寒组肾上腺皮质和卵巢的反应延缓,虚热组与对照组相近。两组对应激刺激引起的胃粘膜下出血均比对照组强。
      The relationship between stimulation and-reaction on rats with deficiency cold(DC)and deficiency heat(DH)syndrome were studied in this paper.The animal models of cold and heat syndrome were made with cold and heat-natured products.The result was as follows:(1)Digestive system:The rats were restrained and steeped in 25℃ water for 4 hours.The hemorrhagic points on gastric mucosa were counted with Guth’s method.The hemorrhagic points of both groups were increased significantly than the control group(P<0.05).(2)Feverish reaction:Rectal temperature was taken before and after turpentine oil injecting subcutaneously.The rectal temperature of DH rats were increased rapidly and kept on a high level,while De rats reacted slowly,for the rectal temperature reached 38.2℃ at the 7th hour after medication.(3)The change of progesterone level in serum after injecting LRH:The amount of progesterone was increased in all groups one and half hours after medication.At the 4th hour the progesterone returned a little on DH and control groups. In DC rats,the progesterone increased continually, however it was a delayed reaction.(4)The reaction of urinary 17-OHCS level after injecting ACTH:The 17-OHCS in urine was increased at the first or the second day on the control and the DH group,then normalized gradually.The DC group showed delayed reaction.(5)CNS reaction:The DC group displayed highly inhibitory in CNS.After sodium barbital injection,the anesthetic effect was rapid and lasted for a long time.The DH rats displayed excitatory state in CNS,while the anesthetic effect was slow and in short duration.In conclusion that in DC group the CNS function was inhibited,functional level of many systems was lowered and delayed,but some of them enhanced. In DH rats the CNS was excited with a high functional level.The reaction was rapid and strengthened but some of them weakened.The herbal drugs,cold and heat in nature,may regulate the reactivity to normal level.