Clinical and Experimental Study on the Effect of Compound Five-Shen Herbal Drink(复方五参冲剂)in the Treatment of Acute Febrile Diseases with Damage to Yin(阴)and Reddened Tongue Syndrome
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中文关键词:  实验研究  气阴两伤  急性热病  红光  复方  冲剂  病理指标  血钾  临床疗效  证型
马必生 北京积水潭医院 
李乃民 哈尔滨211医院 
王光瑞 空军大连医院 
李建荣 哈尔滨市四院 
张万学 吉化第一医院 
吕瑞绵 中国药用植物资源开发所 
何喜梅 北京积水潭医院 
林小冬 哈尔滨211医院 
仲玉山 空军大连医院 
卢长顺 北京积水潭医院 
王淑英 哈尔滨211医院 
姜菊英 空军大连医院 
田素礼 哈尔滨市四院 
杨显鳌 吉化第一医院 
孟昭亨 北京积水潭医院 
陈婉珠 北京积水潭医院 
张丰永 哈尔滨211医院 
易秉斧 空军大连医院 
贺桂兰 空军大连医院 
王为财 吉化第一医院 
冯振声 吉化第一医院 
宋洁 中国药用植物资源开发所 
冯培勤 北京积水潭医院 
赵振忠 北京积水潭医院 
张洪海 北京积水潭医院 
梁维强 北京积水潭医院 
赵明堂 北京积水潭医院 
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      急性感染性热病中晚期,经常合并存在中毒、政血症,水、电解质紊乱和抗生素源性二重感染等。临床表现以高热、神怠,脱水、低钾,舌质红绛无苔等一系列的气阴两伤证候。通过600例临床分析与实验室研究,研制成功动物红光舌模型。首次提出以红光舌作为气阴两伤证的主要诊断依据,证实了该证型和低钾、水电解质紊乱有关;检测口腔 pH 值、淀粉酶、血液循环、舌面菌群和病理学,出现一系列的功能、形态上的病理生理障碍。应用复方五参冲剂对该证型的前瞻性临床疗效观察.证实了该方药具有良好的退热、提升血钾、改善临床症状和加速实验室病理指标好转的疗效。
      Based on the experience of the late Beijing traditional medicine professor Zhao Bingnan(赵炳南) in treating acute infectious febrile disease and its complications,compound herbal drink composed of five kinds of shen(参).Six hundred cases of febrile disease with damage to Yin and reddened tongue syndrome and hypokalemia.Patients were randomly divided into groups Ⅰ,Ⅱ and control. The perspective study of treatment results and experiments were carried out.The results showed that group Ⅰ and Ⅱ who received the compound five-Shen herbal drink(CFSHD)showed good therapeutic effects,the rates of significant effectiveness were 65.5% and 73.1% respectively(P>0. 05).The total rates of effectiveness were 97.2% and 96.2% respectively.The rate of significant effectiveness of the control group was 11%,total rate of effectiveness was 43%.There was significant statistical difference between the control group and group Ⅰ or Ⅱ(P<0.001). Authors of present paper are the first to propose the"Reddened Tongue"to be the main diagnostic criterion of syndrom of"Damage both to the Qi(气)and Yin".Laboratory examination of 344 cases of"Reddened Tongue"Revealed that 317 cases with hypokalemia(blood potassium<3.5 mEq/L)were 92.15% of the entire group.The authors point out that most of the patients with "damage to both the Qi and Yin"besides hypokalemia can be also low in calcium,magnesium and trace elements.After treatment with CFSHD restoration of normal blood potassium was parallel with the improvement of the reddened tongue.It was proved that the CFSHD could rapidly correct the following changes in the mouth cavity in patients with reddened tongue.Lowered pH,reduced amylase activity,disturbance in bacterial flora,abnormal arterial and venous waves of the tongue, stagnation of the microcircuIation and arterial and venous blood flow of the tongue,including shedding of thinned cornified epithelium noticed,under scanning electro-micrescope,atrophy of capillaries in tongue papillae.All these phenomena are pathological changes typical of"damage both to the Qi and Yin".Animal experimentation proved that the CFSHD could enhance the recovery of reddened tongue caused by induction of peritonitis,use of diuretics,restiction of fluid intake in dog models.