Clinical and Experimental Studies on Treatment of Menopausal Syndrome with Geng Nian Shu
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中文关键词:  更年期综合征  清心平肝法  更年舒  促肾上腺皮质激素  甲状腺素  性激素  下丘脑神经递质
英文关键词:menopausal syndrome  Excessive Fire in the Heart and Liver  Geng-Nian-Shu  adrenocorticotropic hormone  thyroid hormone  sexual hormones  hypothalamic neurotransmitter
王大增 上海中医药大学附属龙华医院妇科 
朱燕青 上海中医药大学附属龙华医院妇科 
李燕萍 上海中医药大学附属龙华医院妇科 
李佶 上海中医药大学附属龙华医院妇科 
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全文下载次数: 1036
      cases of menopausal syndrome(MS)patients with the Syndrome Differentiation of"Excessive Fire in the Heart and Liver"were studied and divided into 4 groups randomly,3 of them were treated with Geng-Nian-Shu(GNS) of different forms administered double-blindly with placebo.The effective rates of 3 therapeutic groups were 80.3~91.3% and the placebo group 48.6%,the difference was statistically significant.FSH,LH,E2,Te,ACTH,corticosteroid,CA,TSH,FT3,FT4,and β-EP were assayed before and after treatment.The results were as follows:ACTH,FT3,FT4 lowered after treatment(P<0.05,P<0.05,P<0.01) respectively,CA and corticosteroid in urine and β-EP in plasma somewhat lowered(p<0.05).Assays of the vegetative nerve balance factors(Y)showed that patients changed from the state of sympathetic hyperfunction to normal after treatmant.No statistical difference of FSH,LH,E2,Te before and after treatment was observed.Animal experiment: mono-amino-neurotransmitter in hypothalamus,β-EP in pituitary gland and blood plasma,plasma ACTH,cAMP and serum TSH,FT3,FT4,FSH,E2,Te of normal and ovariectomized white rats were studied,and the effect of GNS on these parameters were observed. In ovariectomized white rats:(1)The amount of NE in the hypothalamus increased,and NE,5-HT,DA,plasma cAMP,ACTH,serum FT3,β-EP in pituitary gland markedly lowered in the treatment group.The differences were statistically significant(P<0.05~0.001).(2)Serum TSH increased with no statistical difference,it was not lowered in the treatment group.(3) No significant difference for FT4,plasma β-EP was observed.(4) Serum FSH was markedly increased,and no change after treatment;no statistical difference of LH,E2,Te,and no significant change after treatment.The above results showed that the mechanism of pathogenesis of the MS was on the basis of decreased sexual hormone,elevated sexual stimulating hormone,dysfunction of neuroendocrine system,especially that of the hypothalamic regulating center of vegetative nerve.The therapeutic effect of the GNS is possibly through its regulatory function on the above-mentioned various organs as shown in the lowering of the amount of NE of the hypothalamus,pituitary ACTH,TSH,serum FT3,FT4 and plasma cAMP.