Clinical Characteristics and Integrative Chinese and Western Medicine Treatment of 42 Patients of Severe A-cute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
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中文关键词:  严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)  临床特征  中西医结合治疗
英文关键词:severe acute respiratory syndrome  clinical characteristics  integrative Chinese and western medical treatment
邹金盘 中国中医研究院广安门医院 北京 100053 
花宝金 中国中医研究院广安门医院 北京 100053 
陈长怀 中国中医研究院广安门医院 北京 100053 
徐贵成 中国中医研究院广安门医院 北京 100053 
苏浩 中国中医研究院广安门医院 北京 100053 
王寅 中国中医研究院广安门医院 北京 100053 
李光熙 中国中医研究院广安门医院 北京 100053 
杨宗艳 中国中医研究院广安门医院 北京 100053 
何夏秀 中国中医研究院广安门医院 北京 100053 
刘喜明 中国中医研究院广安门医院 北京 100053 
倪青 中国中医研究院广安门医院 北京 100053 
李辉 中国中医研究院广安门医院 北京 100053 
赵宏 中国中医研究院广安门医院 北京 100053 
张丽娜 中国中医研究院广安门医院 北京 100053 
汪卫东 中国中医研究院广安门医院 北京 100053 
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      目的:了解SARS的临床特征,探索中西医结合治疗的有效方法。方法:对确诊的SARS患者病历资料进行总结与分析,并进行中西医结合治疗观察。结果:42例患者早期发热100%,头痛92.9%,畏寒76.2%,胸闷76.2%,咳嗽73.8%,肌肉酸痛88.1%;肺损伤累及≥3叶者42.9%,累及2叶者47.6%,累及1叶者9.5%;肝功能升高(ALT或AST)61.9%;心肌酶(CK或CK-MB)升高47.6%;T淋巴细胞亚群中CD3+低于正常91.1%(31/34例),CD4+/CD8+比值偏低76.5%(26/34例)。中晚期患者神疲乏力85.7%,恐惧感81.0%,气短或胸闷71.4%,食欲不振64.3%,舌质淡暗52.4%,舌苔黄白相兼45.2%,舌苔中根部黄厚21.4%。治愈出院时多无明显临床症状,胸片肺部病灶92.8%完全吸收,CD3+复查30例,仍有70%患者低于正常,CD4+/CD8+比值偏低36.7%。经中西医结合治疗(早期只用西药,中晚期中西药合用)后全部治愈出院,无1例 亡病例。发热消退时间平均(3.52±0.85)天,胸部X片肺部病灶完全吸收平均时间(26.82±5.98)天,平均住院(33.60±4.37)天。结论:本病患者临床表现多样,可见多个脏器受损。中西药配合中医辨证论治和中医心理干预有助于缓解患者临床症状,促进康复。
      Objective: To understand the clinical manifestation of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and explore the effective treatment of integrative Chinese and western medicine (ICWM). Methods:The data of patients, whose diagnosis of SARS had been confirmed were summarized and analyzed, and clinical observation was conducted when the patients were treated with ICWM. Results: In early stage of 42 patients, the symptoms revealed were fever in 100% (of SARS patients, same hereafter), headache in 92.9%, aversion to cold in 76.2%, chest stuffiness in 76.2 % , cough in 73.8 % and myalgia in 88.1 % ; the pulmonary lesion involving ≥ 3 lobes in 42.9%, involving 2 lobes in 47.6% and 1 lobe in 9.5% ; 61.9% of them showed liver function abnormality (increase of ALT or AST), 47.6% showed elevated myocardial enzyme (CK or CK-MB), in their T-lymphocyte subsets, 91.1% (31/34 patients) with lowered CD3 and 76.5% (26/34 patients) with lowered CD4/CD8 ratio. In the mid-late stage, the symptoms were lassitude and weakness in 85. 7%, frightened feeling in 81.0%, short breath or chest stuffiness in 71.4%, loss of appetite in 64.3%, light dark tongue proper in 52. 4 % , yellow and white tongue coating in 45. 2 % , and middle-root part of tongue with yellow thick coating in 21. 4% . Most of them were asymptomatic during discharge from hospital, with their pulmonary lesion, showed by chest film, 92. 8% completely absorbed as well as normalized liver function, myocardial enzyme and renal function. However, in 30 patients, the CD3 was lower than normal range in 70% and CD4/CD8 inclined to lower margin in 36. 7%, follow-up on which should be taken care. In the 42 patients, who received western medicine (WM) alone in early stage and ICWM in mid-late stage, none of them died. The mean defervescent time was 3. 52±0. 85 days, the time for complete absorption of pulmonary lesion, judged by chest X-film, was 26.82±5.98 days, and the mean hospitalization time was 33. 6±4.37 days. Conclusion: The manifestation of SARS is multifarious, revealed damage of multiple organs. TCM according to Syndrome Differentiation and psychiatric intervention are beneficial to remiting partial symptoms and promoting rehabilitation.