Analysis of Chinese Medicine Syndrome Characteristics in 322 Patients Infected with Mild SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant in Shanghai
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DOI:10.7661/j.cjim.20230213. 033
中文关键词:  新型冠状病毒肺炎  奥密克戎变异株  中医证候特征  上海
英文关键词:coronavirus disease 2019 disease  Omicron variant  characteristics of Chinese medicine syndromes  Shanghai
基金项目:国家中医药管理局2022年第五批新型冠状病毒感染肺炎中医药应急专项课题(No. 2022ZYLCYJ05-4);上海中医药大学2022年度应对奥密克戎感染新型冠状病毒(No. 2022YJ-03,No. 2022YJ-06)
张文,方邦江,孙鼎,曹敏,徐湘茹,蒲玉婷,陈采玉,周爽 1.上海中医药大学附属龙华医院急诊医学科(上海 200032)
2.上海中医药大学急危重症研究所(上海 200032)
3. 上海中医药大学附属龙华医院风湿科(上海 200032)
4. 上海中医药大学针灸推拿学院(上海 201203) 
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      目的 分析上海市332例轻型新型冠状病毒肺炎Omicron变异株感染者中医证候特征。方法 纳入2022年4月1—5日收治于上海新国际博览中心方舱医院的Omicron变异株的332例轻型患者,收集和分析患者的一般情况、临床症状、舌色、舌苔和脉象特征。结果 332例轻型感染者中男女比例无明显差异,年龄分布10~96岁,中位数46岁。呼吸系统症状以咳嗽为主,其次为咽痛、咽干、咳白痰等。全身症状以口渴、发热、头痛、乏力、小便色黄为主。舌多淡红,其次为红;舌苔以苔黄腻为主,其次为薄黄苔。脉象以滑为主,其次为浮数脉。结论 此次上海市新冠肺炎Omicron轻型感染者病因以“湿热夹风”为主,证型以湿热侵袭证为多,其次为风热犯肺证、湿邪郁肺证和肺热阴伤证。
      Objective To explore the Chinese medicine(CM) syndrome characteristics of 322 patients infected with mild severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2(SARS-CoV-2)Omicron variant in Shanghai. Methods Totally 322 patients with mild coronavirus disease 2019 were admitted in Shanghai New International Expo Center Mobile Cabin Hospital from April 1 to April 5, 2022. Baseline demographic, clinical characteristics and tongue and pulse manifestations were collected and analyzed. Results Of the 332 cases, there were no differences in the proportion of patients with sex. Their age ranged from 10 to 96, with a median age of 46. The most common respiratory symptom was cough, followed by sore throat, dry throat, white sputum, etc. Thirst, fever, headache, fatigue and yellow urine were the most common systemic symptoms. The tongue color manifestations were mainly characterized by light red tongue, followed by red tongue. The tongue-coating manifestation were mainly characterized by yellow greasy fur most, followed closely by thin and yellow fur. Most patients were slippery pulse, followed closely by superficial and rapid pulse. Conclusions Dampness-heat complicated by wind are the main etiologies of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant in CM. The most common CM syndrome may be damp-heat invasion syndrome, followed by wind-heat invading Fei syndrome, cold-dampness disturbing Fei syndrome and yin deficiency due to Fei heat syndrome.