Experimental Study on Preventive and Therapeutic Effect of Bushen Huoxue Recipe on Autoimmune Premature Ovarian Failure Model
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中文关键词:  卵巢早衰  自身免疫性  中药复方  卵透明带抗体  雌二醇
英文关键词:premature ovarian failure  autoimmune  Chinese herbal recipe  ovum zona pellucida antibody  estradiol
基金项目:上海市科技攻关项目!(No .0 0 4 0 1 90 61 )
蔡立荣 上海复旦大学医学院妇产科研究所!上海200011 
李大金 上海复旦大学医学院妇产科研究所!上海200011 
孙晓溪 上海复旦大学医学院妇产科研究所!上海200011 
王明雁 上海复旦大学医学院妇产科研究所!上海200011 
摘要点击次数: 1549
全文下载次数: 1977
      目的 :探讨补肾活血中药复方对实验性的免疫性卵巢早衰 (POF)的防治作用。方法 :以免疫层析分离的猪卵透明带皮下和两后脚掌多点注射免疫 8~ 10周龄雌性BALB/c小鼠建立POF的动物模型。分别在免疫早期或 3次免疫后连续灌服中药复方 ,分析灌服中药后阴道脱落细胞涂片 ,外周血雌二醇 (E2 )浓度和血清抗透明带 (ZP)抗体水平变化 ,及受试动物脾淋巴细胞对不同浓度ZP刺激的反应和卵巢滤泡和黄体数改变。结果 :预防组和治疗组小鼠体内血清E2 水平均比免疫组高 (P <0 0 1,P <0 0 5) ,而抗ZP抗体则明显下降。卵巢组织形态学分析显示 ,治疗组和预防组生长滤泡和黄体数均比免疫组明显增加 (P <0 0 5,P <0 0 1)。免疫组脾淋巴细胞呈现抗原特异性的增殖反应 ,明显高于对照组 ,而治疗组脾淋巴细胞对抗原的特异性反应降低。结论 :补肾活血中药复方主要通过抑制特异性免疫损伤 ,使卵巢内残存的少数滤泡能得以复苏 ,恢复部分卵巢功能 ,而且中药的预防效果优于治疗效果
      Objective: To investigate the mechanisms of Bushen Huoxue Recipe (BSHXR), a Chinese herbal medicinal preparation for tonifying Kidney and invigorating blood circulation, to prevent and treat autoimmune premature ovarian failure (POF) model. Methods: Female 8-10 weeks old BAL B/c mice were immunized by intracutaneously injecting porcine ovum zona pellucida (ZP), isolated by immuno chromatography, in multiple points of two hind footpads to establish the POF model and treated with BSHXR started from early stage of immunization (prevented group) or after 3 times of injection (treated group). Changes in vaginal smears, serum estradiol (E 2), antibody titer against ZP, response of splenic lymphocyte to ZP stimulation of different concentrations, and numbers of ovarian follicles and corpus luteum were analyzed. Results: Serum E 2 level in the prevented and treated mice was all higher than that in the non treated immunized model mice (the control group), P<0 01 and P<0 05 respectively. But the anti ZP titer lowered significantly after BSHXR administration, as compared with that in the control group. Level of antibodies in the treated group was lower than that of the control, and it was also lower in the prevented group than that in the control. The histo morphological examination showed that the developing follicles and corpus luteum after BSHXR medication in both prevented and treated group increased significantly as compared with that of the control group (P<0 05 and P<0 01 respectively). Splenic lymphocyte in the immunized model showed a higher antigen specific proliferation reaction than that in non immunized animal, and the reaction was ameliorated by BSHXR medication. Conclusion: BSHXR could recover part of the ovarian function in POF mice mainly through inhibiting specific immune injury to revive the remnant follicles in ovary. The preventive effect of BSHXR was superior to the therapeutic effect of it.